Child Policy

Child Protection Policy

Coach Paul’s Learn to Swim School wants all children and young people who participate in our programs to have a safe and happy experience. We support and respect our children, young people, staff, trainees and parents.

Provide a Safe Environment

We recognize our obligation to provide a safe environment to all our teachers, children, adults and visitors. Teachers are actively encouraged to identify any potential hazards to children and adults and take action to control any risk hazards.

Protect Privacy & Confidentiality

We ensure all our children and their families Private & Confidential information provided to us is kept under lock and key. All information is stored offsite.

Recruitment of Teachers

We ensure all prospective employees undertake identification checks. We verify working with children clearance and conduct thorough reference checks before offering candidates employment. We promote respect, integrity, teamwork, ownership and growth both individually and together.

Provide Support to Staff and Trainees

We seek to attract the best staff. We have developed a code of conduct to provide guidance for our staff when working with children and all staff are inducted in this policy, the code of conduct and our child protection complaint procedures. All teachers and trainees have supervisors assigned to support and supervise their teaching.


Our policy, code of conduct and complaint procedures are discussed during orientation sessions for all new staff and all staff sign a copy of the code of conduct, acknowledging that they agree to abide by it.

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